Acknowledgements SDN Volume 2

SDN title Energy, Climate and Sustainability Image of green rolling hills

We are grateful to the Robert and Ardis James Family Foundation for their vision, guidance and financial support. The James family founded Strategic Discussions for Nebraska in 2007 and their funding and support continue to make this program possible.

Beginning July 1, 2010, the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources began a three-year financial and programmatic collaboration with Strategic Discussions for Nebraska. We are deeply appreciative of their support.

Strategic Discussions for Nebraska benefits from the involvement and advice of an external advisory board. We wish to express appreciation to the board members:

Mark Balschweid, Ph.D., Head of the UNL Department of Ag Leadership, Education and Communication
Charlyne Berens, Ph.D., Associate Dean of the  UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Jonathan Brand, J.D., President Doane College in Crete
Eric Brown, Ph.D., General Manager KRVN Radio, Lexington
Susan Fritz, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor of the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Gary Kebbel, Dean of the UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Robert Meaney, Senior Vice President Valmont Industries, of Omaha
Janie Park, Ph.D., President of Chadron State College
Herlman, J.Darvey P., Chancellor of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
James Seacrest, Retired Newspaper Publisher, Lincoln
Linda Shipley, Ph.D., Professor, UNL College of Journalism and Mass Communications
Jose Soto, J.D.,Vice President of Affirmative Action, Equity and Diversity, Southeast Community College Area, Lincoln
Steven Waller, Ph.D., Dean of the UNL College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Lyn Wallin Ziegenbein, J.D., Executive Director, Peter Kiewit Foundation in Omaha

We also wish to thank the ex-officio board members:

Ralph James, Executive Director of Executive Education, Harvard Business School, Cambridge Massachusetts
Robert James, President Enterprise Asset Management, Inc., New York, New York
Joanna Nordhues, Development Officer, University of Nebraska Foundation
Cathy James Paglia, Director Enterprise Asset Management, Inc., New York, New York

Strategic Discussions for Nebraska extends special appreciation to Kim Hachiya, Melissa Lee and Judy Nelson for their contributions and suggestions; to the faculty and staff of the College of Journalism and Mass Communications for their expert advice; to the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources for their financial and programmatic collaboration; and to the many University of Nebraska staff, faculty and administrators who consented to be interviewed, arranged for the interviews, provided photos or helped with technology access. We are fortunate to work with these outstanding individuals.