Strategic Discussions for Nebraska is a program in the University of Nebraska Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR). The mission of the annual publication is to communicate research-based science so it can be understood by the general public.
A Strategic Discussions for Nebraska publication has been produced annually since 2008, each focusing on a different overall topic. This year’s publication has been produced by a team of university students in the spring semester of 2017 during the capstone course for their major in Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication, in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication. The course provides a learning experience similar to those they may encounter in the workplace, emphasizing the accurate, clear and objective communication of science-based information.
During the course, students learn about scientific research being conducted at the university and the diverse funding sources required to support that research. They interview scientists from many disciplines and write stories based on those interviews.
The stories in this publication were reviewed by the sources and approved for publication. Media specialists from IANR Media provided videography and video editing expertise, which may be accessed online at University Communication provided photography, graphic design and website expertise. IANR provided funding, business and liaison services for the production of this publication.
As coordinator and editor of this publication, I express sincere appreciation for the original vision and financial support of the Robert and Ardis James Family Foundation, which founded Strategic Discussions for Nebraska in 2007.
Please visit our website,, where you will find this complete publication and a video montage of scientists explaining the research that is changing the world.
Mary Garbacz
SDN Editor and Coordinator
Harnessing Information, Driving Solutions
Editorial By Michael Boehm by Michael Boehm, University of Nebraska Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources University of Nebraska–Lincoln Harlan Vice Chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Interview with IANR Vice Chancellor Michael Boehm by Lauren Stohlmann
The Right People at the Right Time
Hiring scientists to solve global challenges.
Team effort critical to sustainable animal production.
From Earth to Sky and Everything in Between
The School of Natural Resources serves the public through research, teaching and outreach
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln School of Natural Resources
A snapshot
Platte basin timelapse captures images of a watershed in motion.
Nebraska Mesonet Monitors the State’s Weather
Can your county sponsor a weather station?
Nebraska Food for Health Center scientists collaborative, determined.
‘Tiny Messengers Orchestrate Metabolism’
Nebraska Center for Obesity Prevention and Dietary Molecules focuses on science of human health.
Safer Food through Research, Data Analysis
Drones: Piloting a Different Way of Seeing Agriculture
Remote sensors improve efficiency for moisture, nutrients and pest control.
Big Data and Wheat Stem Sawfly
Computing data shows quantity, location of pests.
Serving Nebraskans through Research and Extension
Engineering solutions for the 21st century.
Nebraska On-Farm Research Network
Helping farmers improve, profit.