We are pleased to present the 2024 edition of Strategic Discussions for Nebraska (SDN) in its new form titled - The Nebraska Connection: IANR Links Nebraska Communities. New this year, IANR stories are shared through SDN primarily on our website sdn.unl.edu, but we offer this booklet as a highlight reel. The design of this booklet is to share photos and key points from each story with the hope that readers then scan the QR code on page 8 to read the full stories. These stories share innovative work being done in IANR as well as highlight the people doing it. Specific topics include university disaster response options available for Nebraskans, current student experiences, CASNR alumni success stories, UNL judging team highlights, and agriculture education impacts on the state of Nebraska. We hope you enjoy our new design and read further on our website!
DR. LAURA E. YOUNG, SDN Director and Editor
laura.young@unl.edu I sdn@unl.edu | 402.472.2807