We are pleased to present the 2022 edition of Strategic Discussions for Nebraska (SDN) – Nebraska’s Stress Relief: Solutions for Land, Soil, Water, People, and Animals.
This is an exciting year on East Campus as the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) is celebrating its 50-year anniversary and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) is celebrating 150 years. SDN is delighted to share stories of new developments happening during this celebration of innovation.
SDN is an annual publication produced in IANR to highlight faculty research and Nebraska Extension projects that people in the state might find useful.
This 2022 edition focuses on the overarching topic of Stress Biology, with each story offering ways to alleviate stress on land, soil, water, people, and animals.
Our hope for SDN is to connect Nebraskans with information about university efforts that might benefit them.
Specifically, this edition includes stories on programming – from Nebraska Extension being available for crisis planning and aftermath response, to the National Drought Mitigation Center helping farmers and ranchers determine ways to deal with drought, to the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network offering expertise for improving soil – SDN explains these initiatives and offers websites to learn more and get involved.
SDN 2022 also introduces new, interdisciplinary hubs such as the Water and Integrated Cropping Systems (WICS) Hub, the Nebraska Integrated Beef Systems (NIBS) Hub, and the Center for Resilience in Agricultural Working Landscapes (CRAWL) that work with Nebraskans to keep our water, beef, and land healthy. There are several programs for Nebraskans highlighted – there is likely something for everyone!
Students in the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication (AESC) program write the stories and prepare promotional content for the SDN publication as part of their senior capstone experience. These writers are highlighted on the next pages with photos and hometowns.
This year, we are also excited to share that an AESC May 2022 graduate, Grace McDonald, designed the entire SDN 2022 publication. This is the first time a student has taken on this task, and we are so proud of the work she has done. A sincere, special thank you to Grace for her dedicated efforts!
Thank you for your continued support of the university and Strategic Discussions for Nebraska! We look forward to connecting with you. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @sdn_unl or visit our website sdn.unl.edu to see all editions and more information.
DR. LAURA E. YOUNG, SDN Director and Editor
laura.young@unl.edu I sdn@unl.edu | 402.472.2807
Managing Stress in Turbulent Environments
IANR’s Commitment to Stress Biology
The Center for Resilience in Agricultural Working Landscapes (CRAWL)
Resilience Keeps Landscapes Functional Despite Stressors
Digging Into Nebraska’s Soil Health
Soil Health Initiative Impact on Nebraska
Crops, Cattle, Community, and Crisis
Nebraska Extension Addresses Extreme Weather Challenges for State Residents
The National Drought Mitigation Center Responds to Drought Stress
Serving Nebraska and the World
The Water and Integrated Cropping Systems (WICS) Hub
New Ways to Bring Water Research to Nebraskans
Improving and Understanding the Interactions between all Organisms
Bees Help to Understand Pollution Impacts on Water, Soil, and Human Health
Newest Precision Innovations of Nebraska Sandhill Ranchers
Keeping Nebraska at the Forefront of the Beef Industry
NIBS Hub Helps Beef Producers Adapt to Industry Stressors