2020: Thriving Nebraska

Cover of the 2020 SND publication: Thriving Nebraska

Strategic Discussions for Nebraska (SDN) is an annual publication covering research conducted at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR). The Nebraska Legislature created IANR in 1973 through the enactment of LB149. The institute implements this within its six communities:

  1. Computational Sciences

  2. Science Literacy

  3. Healthy Systems for Agricultural Production and Natural Resources

  4. Drivers of Economic Vitality for Nebraska

  5. Healthy Humans

  6. Stress Biology

SDN shares the IANR story by translating research-based science to be understood by the general public. SDN has been produced annually since 2008, each focusing on a different overall topic.

In recent years, SDN has rotated through IANR communities as a publication theme.

This 2020 edition focuses on Drivers of Economic Vitality for Nebraska. Stories in this edition are focused on IANR work done in both rural and urban communities across Nebraska to build and support vital communities. Specifically, stories cover directed community initiatives, such as Rural Prosperity Nebraska through Nebraska Extension and tele-mental health services provided by the College of Education and Human Sciences, faculty-led initiatives to encourage entrepreneurship as an option for people to return to rural Nebraska, innovative farm production ideas that are specific to the Nebraska climate, preparing future generations for continued community vitality through inquiry-based learning and Nebraska 4-H programming, diversifying manufacturing and food processing options for those interested in developing new businesses, and transforming raw materials into value-added products, such as using soybeans and sorghum in innovative ways.

Students in the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication program in the Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication write the stories for the SDN publication. New in 2020, senior students also provided photography for the publication and created promotional videos for the website and social media.

University Communication provided graphic design and IANR Media offered website design expertise. IANR provided funding, business and liaison services for the production of this publication.

A sincere appreciation is expressed for the original vision and financial support of the Robert and Ardis James Family Foundation, which founded SDN in 2007.

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DR. LAURA E. YOUNG, SDN Director and Editor 

laura.young@unl.edu  I  sdn@unl.edu  |  402.472.2807


Key Drivers of Economic Vitality in Nebraska

Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Focus on Nebraska Economy


Rural Prosperity Nebraska in Action:

Bringing Nebraska Communities Together for Economic Success


Tele-Mental Health Services Revitalize Rural Nebraskans

Creating Accessible and Acceptable Rural Mental Health Care


Health Literacy is a Vital Community Need

Creating Opportunities for Health through Community Action


The Yeutter Institute Provides Trade Insights to Nebraska Communities

Providing International Trade Resources to the State


Shooting for Economic Success

How Hunting and Fishing Drive Nebraska’s Economy


Entrepreneurship Ignites Rural Nebraska

Experiential Entrepreneurship Education for Youth and Community


Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Drives Economies

Entrepreneurship Provides New Wave of Rural Businesses


Hazelnuts Add Flavor to Nebraska Agriculture

Hazelnuts Diversify Operations, Utilize Unproductive Soils


The Big Picture of Farmland Conservation Policies

Keeping Nebraska’s Environment and Economy Viable


Hemp: A Plant to Light Up Nebraska’s Economy

An Investment for Nebraskan Farmers


Nebraska: The Beef State

Cost-effective Solutions to Keep Nebraska Beef Vibrant


Inquiry-Based Learning Teaches Nebraska Youth Critical Skills

Putting Learning into the Hands of the Students


Nebraska 4-H Drives Community Youth

Programming to Keep Communities Vibrant


Nebraska’s Economy is Fueled by Food

The Role of the Food Processing Center


Nebraska’s Manufacturing Extension Partnership

Assisting Small-to-Medium Manufacturers Grow and Enhance


Adding Value to Nebraska Commodity Crops

Using Biotechnology to Advance Production


Industrial Agricultural Products Center Leads Value-Added Agriculture

Researching and Developing New Products from Crops