We are pleased to present the 2023 edition of Strategic Discussions for Nebraska (SDN) – Data Drives Nebraska: Technology Advancements Impact Agriculture and Natural Resources.
SDN is an annual publication produced in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources (IANR) that highlights faculty research, Extension projects, and student initiatives. One goal of SDN is to highlight topics that Nebraskans find useful. A second goal is to share the story of IANR by not only explaining notable initiatives but also highlighting the impact each initiative has on the state.
“SDN is a critical part of telling the narrative of our progress at IANR, through our amazing students, faculty, staff, and partners,” said Michael J. Boehm, University of Nebraska Vice President for Agriculture and Natural Resources and Harlan Vice Chancellor of the University of Nebraska– Lincoln IANR.
The hope for SDN is to connect Nebraskans with information about university efforts that might benefit them. In recent years, SDN has rotated through the six IANR communities as a publication theme. This 2023 edition begins that rotation over again, focusing on the overarching topic of Computational Sciences and Technology that was last highlighted in 2017 (visit sdn.unl.edu for a digital version of this edition).
Specifically, this edition outlines technology developments and the impact on people, animals, and plants. From GPS collars used to help ranchers, to spatial technologies used to track pronghorns and better understand their behavior, to using a video game to introduce youth to the impact of the Eastern Red Cedar – SDN explains these initiatives and offers websites to learn more and get involved. There are several topics for Nebraskans included – there is likely something for everyone!
New in 2023, this edition also includes several feature stories about unique projects in IANR. Most notably, the PGA golf management students providing students with unmatched exposure to technology, such as the TrackMan Golf Simulator and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources (CASNR) offering Change Maker Scholarships for students to explore their innovative ideas. Further, a faculty member in the Department of Plant Pathology made predictions in 2004 about the future of plants – peek inside to see if these predictions came true! The feature stories offer an additional lens into IANR, showcasing fun, distinctive work.
Senior students in the Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Communication (AESC) program write the stories, take photos, and prepare promotional content for the SDN publication as part of their senior capstone experience. These writers are highlighted on the next pages with photos, majors, and hometowns.
Thank you for your continued support of the university and Strategic Discussions for Nebraska! We look forward to connecting with you. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @sdn_unl or visit our website sdn.unl.edu to see all editions and more information.
DR. LAURA E. YOUNG, SDN Director and Editor
laura.young@unl.edu I sdn@unl.edu | 402.472.2807
Nebraska Weighs in on Cattle Emission Conversation
Research Focuses on Cattle Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Locating the Future of Ranching
GPS-driven collar technology innovating ranching practices in Nebraska
Farm and Ranch Transitioning and Succession
How to Plan for Change
Spatial Technologies Track Pronghorn and Promote Nebraska Precision Conservation
Protecting our Prairies With… A Video Game!
Prairie Protector: Understanding Nebraska’s Eastern Red Cedar Encroachment
The Spidercam Gives Spider’s Eye View
Nebraska’s One-of-a-Kind Device Assists in Plant Research
Predicting The Next Generation of Plant Technology
Statistics Helping Build A Brighter Future For Nebraska’s Farmers
Plant Pathology of the Past, Present, and Future
Technology Use in Plant Pathology Strengthens Nebraska Agriculture
Good Bugs Reduce Pesticide Use in Nebraska
A Healthy Field Increases Yields and Creates a Home for Beneficial Insects
Sentinel Fertigation: Data Improves Nebraska’s Nitrogen Issue
Using Satellite Imagery to Provide Real-Time Nitrogen Recommendations
How Properly Using Inputs Can Lead to Sustainability
Policy Design is Driving Force Behind Decision Making
Precision Agriculture Technology Improves Nebraska Agriculture
Digital Data Advances Golf Management Program
Computer Vision System Creates Potential Solutions for Improving Animal Health and Welfare
Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center Provides Protection
Rapid Testing and Vaccine Development Keeps People and Animals Safe
Change Maker Scholarship Program Innovates Opportunity
Taking College Topics to Nebraska High Schools
CASNR Faculty Integrate Agricultural Topics